Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Military Rings | Deployment Rings | Vietnam Veteran Rings

Military Rings Online have become part and partial of every soldier's jewellery collection, but there is one ring that seems to be very important to many and that is the Deployment Rings which indicate and record the particular deployment the soldier was involved in.
The current deployments that most of us hear about are Operation Iraqi Freedom which is the campaign to bring about peace in Iraq and stabilize the region. Up to 150,000 troops have been deployed to this region over the past decade or so. The figure fluctuates from time to time and hopefully, the end is drawing near.
Operation Enduring Freedom is related to Afghanistan, where currently (2010) there is a surge of troops deployed to hunt down the Taliban and bring about peace in that region.
One of the most historic deployments by United States troops was Vietnam which created a lot of controversies both at home and abroad.
These deployments can be commemorated by designing custom deployment rings to record in detail the very deployment you were involved in.

Navy Rings | Custom Navy Rings | Gold Navy Rings

The United States Navy is probably the greatest Navy in the world, and also one of the most taxed (in terms of demand). The Navy is comprised of a number of fleets, which can be seen sailing around the oceans of the world, carrying thousands of extremely well trained and disciplined sailors.

Most of these sailors display their pride by wearing the custom Navy Rings designed and purchased at  Military Online Shopping